Favorite prompts for taking fun headshots

Sep 8, 2021

If you own a business then you’ve likely had your photo taken before. It’s kinda the worst to be in front of the camera alone. You know it, I know it… we all know it!

The photographer in me can’t stand boring headshots, so I like to incorporate movement as much as I can. Moving around during photos feels a little funny, but if I can communicate through the photos that I’m FUN and approachable, then I call that a win.

Here are three of my favorite prompts/poses for headshots – whether someone else is taking my picture or I’m doing self portraits.

“Drunk walk” towards and away from the camera

The key is to keep your face happy, let’s your arms swing around and just move a bit!

Hand in your pocket

The number one question I get from people having their photo taken: “What do I do with my hands!? I’m so awkward!”. Let’s give them a spot – one in your pocket (jacket or pant pocket works) and the other dangling at your side.

Key to success in this pose: bring one shoulder slightly higher than the other. By putting your shoulders on different planes, it brings interest to the viewers eye and flatters you (win win winnnnning).

Sometimes I’ll add in a little bend at my hips – moving my upper body toward the camera.

Run your hands through your hair

This one is pretty self-explanatory, but add in tipping your head from side to side as you do it!

There you have it, friends! I hope this gives you some ideas for the next time you have to snag some updated headshots. If you don’t feel a little funny at first, then you’re probably doing it wrong haha.

XO, Kiana



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